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    • You should be able to move while swinging as long as you have that option enabled in the game settings. In the Sandbox settings under the Character menu it is called "Melee Movement Disruption", you need to disable that to swing while moving.
    • Okay, it works if I make sure to swing and hold down left click _before_ I move. But, the second I release left click, I can't swing again unless/untill I  stop moving. So, if that's normal, okay, I guess I can handle that. But, I was almost certain you could swing after you started moving.    But, can anybody confirm if that is normal? 
    • Hello, I'm coming back to this game after a long break, and I want to see if this behavior is normal.  I am unable to swing my weapon while pressing any of the WASD keys. If I'm standing still, the 'wind up'/'strike' Right click/left click combo works like normal. But, it doesn't work if I am moving. I can 'wind up', but, when I left click to swing, nothing happens.  I don't remember the game working like this before, but is this new behavior?  I did have a bunch of mods installed, including a lot of clothing mods when I first noticed the behavior. I mention that because looking online, it looks like people had similar issues with certain clothing mods (especialy gun sling, which I had installed).    I'm 90% sure I could swing normally when I played a few days ago. But, I started getting a bunch of errors, so I completely uninstalled all mods (they were Steam mods added to a Gog install if that's relevant). I even uninstalled and reinstalled the game, and it still does that.    If this is a skill issue, then cool. E.g. if I need to get 3 pips to swing while moving, I'm fine with that. I just have to be very careful until I get more skill. But, if not, as it is working for me now, the game is pretty much unplayable.    Also, looking online, I saw people suggest (for similar issues) to 'delete the regestry keys' or something like that. Would that potentially help? If so, how would I do that? 
    • There are several other posts that specify that the Native version runs better, which is the same experience on my rigs, there should not be many reasons for Proton to run better, though I would need to look into those in a case by case basis to find the reason for that. Let me know how the tests with the other distros go, as that might help pinpoint the issue. Also, I am curious what filesystem you use. I assume just the default EXT4? It should not really cause any problems, but I am asking just in case it is anything nonstandard to add to the list of possibilities.
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